Carla Rodea


Carla Rodea

Eighth Grade Spanish Teacher

Carla Rodea is an interdisciplinary artist and educator born and raised in Mexico City. Her/their research-based work involves a variety of disciplines and mediums such as music, sound art, poetry, vocal performance and performance art, photography, video, movement, sculpture and, of course, sharing knowledge. Carla earned an M.F.A. from CUNY’s digital and interdisciplinary arts practice and was a recipient of several awards and fellowships for research-based residencies in Mexico City. Before that, Carla studied music at the National Center for the Arts in Mexico, and later received her/their B.F.A. in vocal performance from the City College of New York. Carla is an alumna and fellow of the Wassaic Project, The Interdisciplinary Art and Theory Program, Works on Water, The Home School, and Materia Abierta. She/they has taught music, art, and languages for the past 20 years. She/they has also performed extensively and shown work internationally. Carla joined the BPC community in 2021.

Teaching Since

The 90s




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Why I Work with Children

I learn so much!

A Favorite Book

I’ve been loving Octavia Butler’s and Fred Moten’s work for a few years now.

Quick Fact

I speak several languages.

Other Faculty for This Grade

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Carwai Seto

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Cheryl Sumsion

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Emmeline Hill

Emmeline Hill

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Herded sheep by motorbike in Australia.

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Gerry Branner

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Gwen Hornig

Gwen Hornig

Eighth Grade English and Eighth Grade Drama Teacher

Ask me about the time I had a magical and terrifying stand-off with a bison in the Badlands.

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Jerry Kennedy

Jerry Kennedy

Seventh and Eighth Grade Music Teacher, Band Director

Performed music in South Africa during the end of legal apartheid.

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Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

Eighth Grade Science Teacher

Apprenticed with a luthier, adept with a paddle

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Kathy Henderson

Kathy Henderson

Sixth & Seventh Grade Math Teacher

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Maggie Hardy

Maggie Hardy

Seventh Grade History Teacher

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Maria Palmer

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Loves to write or paint

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Nataliya Vdovychenko

Nataliya Vdovychenko

Upper School Assistant Teacher

Fluent Russian speaker

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Rem Djemilev

BPC String Orchestra Leader

Creates musical arrangements for fun

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Sage Ellenwood

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Kissed a shark once!

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Sarah Roggero

Sixth Grade Spanish Teacher

My birthday is April 1st, no joke!

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Stephanie Piper

Stephanie Piper

Seventh Grade English Teacher

Obsessed with the Salem witchcraft trials

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Torin Coffino

Torin Coffino

Sixth Grade History Teacher

Played Gaelic Football as a youth, and won a Minors championship in Ireland

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Xiaoyan Xu

Upper School Mandarin Teacher

Once ate deep-fried silkworms

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Zina Gulimovskaya

Zina Gulimovskaya

Seventh Grade Math Assistant, Math Team Coach

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